Importance of Addressing Athlete Mental Health

It is no secret that concerns with athlete mental health are extremely prevalent right now, and the research backs this up. According to studies, one out of every four athletes suffer from mental health related issues, 30% of NCAA athletes experience mental health difficulties, athletes are 2x as likely to experience anxiety compared to non-athletes, and injured athletes are 2x as likely to experience depression compared to non-injured athletes. Studies also show that since the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of anxiety and depression in athletes are 1.5-2x higher than prior.

Mental health issues experienced by athletes can often manifest as stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, eating disorders, mental exhaustion, lower self-esteem, and a decrease in overall wellbeing.

Without addressing athlete mental health, due to the studies showing that these problems have only gotten worse over recent years, we can guess that it will continue to be a battle for athletes. Athletes experiencing all of these issues directly (and even indirectly through teammates/those around them, social media, etc.) are having a multitude of challenges they are needing to face.

And athletes deserve both support to help them through these challenges, as well as preventative support so that ideally these mental health concerns can be minimized from the start.

(Studies published by the NCAA, Journal of Athletic Training, British Journal of Sports Medicine, Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, and Deutsche Sporthochschule Koln)

Why is athlete mental health so prevalent right now?

It is hard to research exactly what the root of the causes are, but many can definitely be guessed - the pressure athletes have to perform well and be successful, the expectations to compete at high levels or play in college, the competitiveness in society, the role that social media plays in comparison to others, the old-school mentality of athletes being too “tough” for emotions, and so much more.

And so many of these reasons why athlete mental health is a current problem is quite opposite of what the true purposes are behind sports…

Sports should be participated in because of the opportunities to grow as a person, the community, the ability for sport to be an outlet, and ultimately, the love for the game.

How we see our role in advocating for athlete mental health at COGNELITE

Mental Toughness


Reframing the idea of metal toughness into mental resiliency is one of our biggest values at COGNELITE. Mental toughness is the the old-school style of getting athletes to charge head first through tough things without actually addressing the problem - think things like “suck it up,” “rub some dirt in it,” “there’s no crying in sports,” etc.

Mental resiliency on the other hand is the idea of overcoming challenges while also addressing the adversity that is faced along the way. This acknowledges mental wellness and allows opportunities for emotions and challenges to be felt and dealt with.

A combination of allowing athletes to embrace their challenges while also learning to be mindful and stay present during different situations and not let their emotions dictate their beliefs or their actions is key. And that is all what mental resiliency is about and what we focus on at COGNELITE.

Knowing the purpose of sport in life

Again, the meaning of sport seems to get so easily lost these days. One of our key points of focus at COGNELITE is to help athletes understand the purpose of sport in their life. This comes down to helping them understand their personal why, focus on the positive impact that their sport has on their life overall, define what success means to them aside from wins and stats, and help them set clear goals and a path to reach those goals. Empowering athletes to direct their attention to these things can help immensely with minimizing those potential factors in athlete mental health issues.

What our role is NOT

At COGNELITE, we do not treat, diagnose, or fix any mental health issues. As Certified Mental Performance Consultants, we focus on the performance aspect of things. It is a main priority of ours to advocate for athlete mental health and educate athletes, but we do not treat. If you are looking for mental health treatment, we will be happy to connect you with appropriate practitioners!